Titusville City Council Creates Junior Member Position

By Gavin S. Griffin, Co-Editor and WSJ Politics & Government

Titusville City Council passed a resolution on Tuesday, January 18, 2022, that established a new position on council, that of the “Junior City Council Member.”

This resolution will allow two high school students, one junior and one senior, to become junior members of Titusville’s City Council. They will have the opportunity to sit in on public city council meetings twice a month and will be encouraged to attend meetings for other city boards and committees as well. Though the students who are chosen would not be able to vote or attend executive sessions, they would be encouraged to give input on a wide range of topics pertaining to city policy. Much emphasis has been placed recently on getting the young people of Titusville involved in the community, and this program will now allow for just that. 

This position would give an opportunity for students interested in politics, government, or law to gain experience in that field. The council term for each student would coincide with the school year, from September to June, with the option to stay on in the summer as well. 

Any interested Junior or Senior student can get an application from the THS office, Mrs. Jones, City Hall (107 North Franklin St.), or the city’s website, https://www.cityoftitusvillepa.gov/